Event Types (Overview)

Written by Roo Wright
Updated 2 years ago

Event types are shown on your Telloe Profile page for clients to book. These Event Types refer to the different meetings or appointments that your client can book. You can have more than one event type on your Telloe Profile page.

An example of an event type is the default event assigned to a new account which is a 60-minute call visible on your profile.

When customers book this call, they can only book on your available dates and times.

All the different types of meetings can be done in various types of channels, either meet face-to-face or over a voice call Skype, or a Telloe call.

There are five different meeting types available for use with Telloe. Note: You can select multiple types - by choosing various styles, you give your clients the power to choose how you meet.

The five meeting types are as follows:

- Google Meet

- Zoom (requires a Zoom meeting link)

- Face to Face (requires a location)

- Phone

- Skype

To create or edit existing event types, follow Creating and Editing Event Types.

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