
Written by Roo Wright
Updated 2 years ago

To begin creating packages for clients, first navigate to your Telloe dashboard.

1. Click Packages.

2. Click Add Package.

3. Enter your package name.

4. Enter your package description.

5. Select your offered services - these are your Event Types - and select the amount of this event you want to offer.

6. Enter your package price.

7. Press the blue "Save" button.

To edit packages, first navigate to the Packages tab.

1. Click the cog icon on the package to be edited.

2. Click Edit.

To assign packages to contacts, first navigate to your Telloe dashboard.

1. Click Contacts.

2. Click your desired contacts name.

3. Click Packages.

4 Click Add Package.

5. Select your package from the drop down.

6. Click the blue "Add" button.

Every event included in your package is now displayed on your contacts profile under Packages.

To book an event, press the Book button and follow the third section of Making A Booking.

1. If you have already had your meeting with your contact and wish to mark one of their events as complete, simply check the checkbox.

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